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Sam Lipson

Oral history interview with Sam Lipson who was born in Russia in 1913. Involved in the Association of Professional Engineers, the Jewish Community Centre, Parliamentary Union, Beth Israel Synagogue, Talmud Torah and the Canadian Jewish Congress - on the Jewish Committee, the Educational Committee and the Joint Community Relations Committee. Sam graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of British Columbia.

Sally Rogow

Oral history interview with Sally Rogow, who was born in New York, 1930. Sally's grandparents were born somewhere in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sally's uncle was the first Jewish man to be a Lieutenant Colonel in the Canadian Army, while her mother helped organized women during the Second World War. Sally worked as a teacher, teaching blind and handicap children, eventually advocating for those with Special Needs.

Barbara Heller

Oral Interview with Barbara Heller for the JMABC Artists Scribe. Interviewed by Daniella Givon. Barbara, born in Vancouver Canada, talks about her family’s origins in Poland and immigration to Canada. She speaks about her upbringing in Vancouver and how she was surrounded by art in her childhood, leading her to become a visual person and a creative. Barbara discusses her interest in religious mysticism which inspired her education and later, became a specific influence in her art pieces. She speaks about how at first she wanted to be a printmaker but pregnancy led her to work with tapestry and she never looked back. She speaks about recurring symbols, like dead birds, in her art which provide a greater message to her audience about themes like life and war. Barbara discusses the highlights of her career, like showing art in Poland and working with various art collectives within North America, all with the support of her family.

Bernie Simpson

Oral history interview with Bernie Simpson who was born in Vancouver in 1942. He started work as a Social Worker influenced by his time at Camp Habonim, than becoming a lawyer and latter a MLA for Fraser View and he worked with Camp Miriam. Bernie was involved in a number of organizations: The Canadian Council of Christians & Jews; UNICEF; BC Paraplegics Association; Trial Lawyers Association; Brain Injury Association of America; The Canadian Bar Association and The Canadian Cancer Society.

Marvin Weintraub

Oral history interview with Marvin Weintraub who was born in Poland in 1924. His father moved the entire family in 1930 to Toronto. Marvin studied chemistry and biology at the University of Toronto, doing a Master's and a PhD in botany/plant physiology and ecology. Got a job as a Virologist for the government in Eastern Canada.

Stacey Lederman

Oral Interview with Stacey Lederman for the JMABC Artists Scribe. Interviewed by Perry Seidelman. Stacey talks briefly about her family history and growing up in Tsawwassen. Her post-secondary education led her to working in business and finance, but having children changed her career path after not working for more than a decade. Stacey discusses her introduction to recreational art classes in Vancouver and how attention from peers quickly saw her realize her talent, and also book her first art show. She describes her work as mixed-media, which includes using different mediums such as acrylics, ink, resin, and photography. Stacey talks about how she is drawn to edgy, colourful pieces including graffiti which can be seen in her own art pieces. Stacey talks about the artists who inspire her as the motivations behind her pieces. Stacey discusses the theme of hearts in her work, art crawls, and her favourite pieces of work. She speaks about how visiting Israel inspired her, and how things like real life, emotion and intuition informs her art practice.

Ralph Zbarsky

Number: CA JMABC A.1971.001-20.20-05
Name: Ralph Zbarsky
Interviewer: Bill Gruenthal
Date: February 18, 2020
Place: Vancouver, BC
Project: The Jewish Historical Society of B.C. Oral History Project

00:00 Bill Gruenthal (interviewer) introduces himself and then asks Ralph Zbarsky (interviewee) to do the same.
00:53 Zbarsky was born in 1948 in Deep River, Ontario. This town was near Chalk River, the site of the Atomic Energy Commission where his father worked as a scientist.
1:21 His father’s name was Sidney Howard Zbarsky to conduct research on isotopes that could be used as an antidote to nerve gasses that had been used during the Second World War. Sidney Howard’s research has been cited as recently as in the Gulf Wars. Zbarsky notes that this is why he was the first Jewish baby in Chalk River.
2:11 Zbarsky’s mother’s name was Miriam Zbarsky (nee [Frankel]). She had a degree in economics and met Zbarsky’s father at the University of Toronto while they were both studying there.
3:02 Zbarsky’s paternal grandparents were from Russia and came to Vancouver and opened a successful tailoring business. The Frankels (maternal grandparents) came to Vancouver from Eastern Europe via Palestine and also set up a business. He notes that they were also Labour Zionists. Both Zbarksy and his brother, Johnathan, are electrical engineers. Johnathan is two years younger and their sister Deborah is six years younger. Deborah is a financial advisor and is fluent in Japanese.
5:48 Zbarsky married Catherine Zbarsky (nee [Everall]) in 1971. They have a son named Michael and daughter, Jordana. Both Michael and Jordana each have one son and one daughter totaling four grandchildren.
6:41 Zbarsky and Catherine met at Camp Hatikvah. He was working there as a lifeguard while she was one of the councillors. At the time, they were both going to UBC, her for Education and him for Engineering.
7:21 Zbarksy’s father moved the family to St. Paul’s for a short time while he went to the University of Minnesota. In 1950 he was recruited to UBC to be the first member of the Faculty of Medicine. He played a role in recruiting the rest of the faculty and designed much of the curriculum although he was a biochemist rather than a medical doctor. He worked at UBC until his retirement in 1985.
9:06 Zbarsky met three Nobel Laureates while his father was employed at UBC. The Nobel Laureates he met were Dr. Francis Crick, Dr. Gobind Khurana and Dr. Michael Smith. A symposium at UBC was established in Sydney Howard’s name as well as the Dr. S.H. Zbarsky Scholarship.
12:32 Zbarsky describes how the scholarship at UBC in his father’s name is awarded to a graduate student of biochemistry who is working towards their PhD and it is awarded based on peer recommendations. Zbarsky also notes how privileged he was to be able to drive to UBC with his father every day.
13:15 Sydney Howard partnered with Dr. Marvin Weintraub to establish a Judaic Studies program at UBC in the early seventies.
13:31 He mentions his father’s involvement with other Jewish professors at UBC and the [‘Stern Gang’].
13:57 Zbarsky tells the story of how his parents started the Metropolitan Biological Laboratories in 1963. They would perform medical tests that hospitals were not equipped to do at the time in their basement. Eventually the business grew to need more office and laboratory space and they had several thousand employees. Eventually the company was called LifeLabs. They eventually sold the laboratories because they were worried the provincial government would take over private labs.
19:20 Sydney Howard was President of Talmud Torah, helped ensure loans for Jewish community members and was a member of Beth Israel Synagogue.
20:04 Miriam Zbarsky’s degree was in Home Economics but she helped in the laboratories and performed some of the tests. She was also active in Hadassah, Talmud Torah and spoke some Yiddish.
22:07 Deborah Zbarksy never married or had children. Johnathan Zbarsky has three children. Zbarsky was named after his uncle, also named Ralph who served in the Canadian Navy. He never met his uncle because Ralph was on the last ship to be torpedoed during the Second World War.
24:44 Zbarksy recounts his time working for BC Hydro in high voltage engineering. He left BC Hydro in 1986 after designing the company’s site for Expo ’86. Then he was recruited to the City of New Westminster which had a separate utility system. He worked as a consultant for several years after his retirement since high voltage engineering is not a popular career anymore. Zbarsky then recounts some of his hobbies including building and racing race cars as well as playing the symphonic clarinet. He also runs triathlons in order to stay healthy and be a good example for his grandchildren.
27:38 Zbarksy recounts his education. The schools he attended were Talmud Torah, Emily Carr Elementary, Eric Hamber Secondary and UBC where he graduated in 1971.
28:27 Zbarsky helped out with some students’ capstone engineering projects at UBC. He fears for high voltage systems such as the ones he worked on because it is not a widely taught field anymore and there will not be enough specialized engineers to maintain them. Gruenthal mentions that his brother graduated from electrical engineering in the fifties.
30:27 Zbarsky speaks some French and Hebrew and is learning Punjabi to more easily communicate with others who are also involved in racing.
31:02 Gruenthal asks Zbarsky if he has ever played with an orchestra. To which Zbarksy replies no, he plays for enjoyment and is trained by Gene Ramsbottom who is a renowned clarinetist. He also notes that he has tried to teach his grandchildren music.
33:51 Zbarsky recounts how mist of his work has been in BC. He laid hundreds of kilometres of high voltage cables and was part of the construction of the Stave Falls Generating System.
36:04 Gruenthal asks Zbarsky about his involvement in the local Jewish community. Zbarsky mentions how he knew the Leonoffs through their friendship with his in-laws and wife.
37:37 Zbarsky discusses some of his work in mentoring other triathletes. He does not consider himself a competitive triathlete anymore but likes to complete the races.
38:39 He describes his racing hobby. He has raced all over North America and his son is also involved.
39:52 Gruenthal asks Zbarsky to talk further talk about his siblings. Zbarsky tells of how he went to visit his sister Deborah in Japan during the eighties and that she still speaks Japanese. She is also involved in some local Jewish organizations.
41:14 Johnathan Zbarsky was involved at Talmud Torah when his children attended the school. Zbarsky’s kids also went to Talmud Torah. Now Michael lives in Courtenay and Jordana in Burnaby.
42:22 Michael is able to connect with Lubavitch when they come to Courtenay. Zbarsky celebrates some major Jewish holidays with his grandchildren.
42:59 Gruenthal and Zbarksy discuss real estate and Zbarsky’s move to a condo in the Jericho area.
44:32 Zbarsky says how he wanted to keep his father’s involvement in the medical field alive. Gruenthal discusses how he and the board wanted those who had involvement in that field to do oral history interviews. Zbarsky mentions how many people in the medical field currently will ask him if he is related to Sydney Howard because they had taken his classes at UBC.
46:04 Gruenthal thanks Zbarsky for his participation and urges his to keep up with his membership.
46:32 End of interview.

Jack Huberman

Interview with Jack Huberman for On The Record: The BC Jewish Queer & Trans Oral History Project in collaboration with JQT Vancouver. Interviewed by Carmel Tanaka via remote Zoom video call. Jack (he/him) is a gay Jewish man born in Calgary, Alberta. Jack talks about his family’s origins in Poland and his parents’ livelihoods as grocers and property owners upon immigrating to Canada. Jack shares he realized he was gay very late in life, and how little dialogue about being queer and Jewish at the time made him reluctant to ‘come out’ within his Jewish community in Vancouver. He discusses the writing and mentorship of Rabbi Gil Steinlauf as a catalyst for understanding his sexuality within a Jewish context, though shares how ‘coming out’ did not make him feel welcomed across all parts of his Jewish community, including his own congregation. Jack talks about his desire to foster a greater awareness and acceptance for queer Jews. He discusses his experiences through school, including how he eventually became lawyer, and volunteering throughout the Jewish community in Vancouver. Jack closes by talking about his immediate family, including his husband, children, and grandchildren, and the importance of treating others equally and maintaining good relationships with those around you.

Judy Zaitzow

Oral history interview with Judy Zaitzow who was born in Vancouver. Her Grandfather William Seidelman was a postmaster and a shochet. Judy discusses her family history in detail through her Grandparents, parents, brother and sisters. Judy volunteers time with the Beth Israel school board, Hadassah, was door-to-door volunteer for Mothers March (forerunner of United Way), and for Heart & Stroke fund.

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