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Bill Gruenthal

Oral history interview with Bill Gruenthal who was born in 1935 in Netanya, Palestine. His father's side is from Silesia, Germany and his mother's side comes from Lower Saxony and Aachen. Bill has been a part of the Jewish National Fund and worked for the Vancouver Board of Trade. Bill discusses tensions between Arab and Jewish communities growing up.

Bill Gruenthal

Oral history interview with Bill Gruenthal who was born in 1935 in Netanya, Palestine. His father's side is from Silesia, Germany and his mother's side comes from Lower Saxony and Aachen. In 1945-46, life became too hazardous, so they decided to get out of Israel. Friends suggested either British Columbia or New Zealand, John contacted both governments; B.C. responded first, that decided him to come to BC. Bill applied for various jobs after finishing a typing course, was declined by Imperial Bank of Commerce because he was Jewish, applied and was hired as junior clerk with an insurance company. He has been in insurance since Jan. 1953. Met his wife, Noemi, at a young adult group that met every Sunday night at the JCC. Talks about “Vancouver Diaspora” and the Vancouver Jewish Community. Bill has been a part of the Jewish National Fund and worked for the Vancouver Board of Trade