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4629 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Interview with Edith Thompson (Lohn)

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.95-10
  • Pièce
  • January 9, 1995
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An Interview with Edith (nee Lohn) Thompson who was born in British Columbia. She enlisted in the RCAF Women’s Division in 1942 in secretarial positions and postwar than worked for senior medical health officer. Her brother Earl served overseas in Italy throughout the war. Edith and her husband George moved to California in 1963 but moved back to Vancouver in 1983 following the death of their youngest son; safety and the lack of violence prompted move. Ran 'Vancouver Antique Centre' on Richard and Harris and was quite successful. Involved in Hadassah, the Vancouver Art Gallery and is a member of Richmond Country Club.

Interview with Eva Brotman

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.80-NA
  • Pièce
  • December 25, 1980
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

Oral history interview with Eva Brotman. Her grandson's Adam and Albert conducted the interview on December 25, 1980.

Interview with Dave Sears

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.77-04
  • Pièce
  • July 15, 1977
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An Interview with Dave Sears who was in the prairies and moved to Vancouver in 1934. Davediscusses golfing and golf courses in the Greater Vancouver area: Gleneagles Golf Club, Langara Golf Club, Cedarcrest, Pacific Northwest Golf Association.

Interview with Ben and Anna Segall

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.76-06
  • Pièce
  • July 2, 1976
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An interview with Ben and Anna Segall, where they discuss numerous topics including Segall's Clothing and Footware Ltd., the Jewish National Fund, Hadassah and Hotels.

Broadcast of Julius Shore and Irene Dodek

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.75-21
  • Pièce
  • December 18, 1975
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview with Julius SHore and Irene Dodek.

Interview with Sonia Rose

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.72-03
  • Pièce
  • March 26, 1972
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An interview with Sonia Rose, who was born in England and arrived in Victoria in 1918. She describes her involvement in Jewish community life in Victoria. Sonia was active in Eastern Star and B'nai B'rith, a charter member of Hadassah, member of Red Cross, Canadian Club, Musical Arts Society, Hospital Auxiliary, and Council of Canadian Citizenship. She also wrote a Victoria column for the Jewish Western Bulletin. Sonia begins the interview discussing her family hosting Rabbi J.H. Hertz, Chief Rabbi of the British Empire, during his visit to Victoria in 1921.

Interview with Dave Isman

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.71-14
  • Pièce
  • November 14, 1971
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An Interview with Dave Isman.

Interview with Sam Rothstein

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.70-06
  • Pièce
  • June 21, 1969
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

An Interview with Sam Rothstein whose family came to Vancouver before World War I and settled in the Strathcona neighborhood. Sam took a PhD in Librarianship in California, and took a job at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He was involved in the Waldman Library and the Beth Israel Library.

Interview with Ann Krieger

  • CA JMABC A.1998.010, A.2008.007, A.1968.001, A.1971.002, A.2007.017, A.2007.009, A.2011.007, A.2010.055-OH.19.70-05
  • Pièce
  • 1970
  • Fait partie de Cyril E. Leonoff fonds

Ann Krieger speaks on the Jewish community in Vancouver around the early turn of the century. She speaks of O’Bryan Hall and the two Jewish groups - orthodox and reform - that had no meeting place for High Holy Days, and rented O’Bryan Hall and held services together. They hired a rabbi (from Seattle).

Originally, David Oppenheimer and Ann's brother-in-law [Milton], were in business together, managing the Oppenheimer Brothers Ltd.. David's grandfather started the business, then David's father (Simon) and mother died, left two children -- mother's maiden name Leiser, an old Victoria family. Milton Oppenheimer was Simon's brother, he married his sister-in-law's sister, and adopted the two children, David and Ruth, and subsequently had Edith, who was Ann's sister-in-law.
Milton brought the business over to Vancouver, which became head office, with Victoria still in operation.

Ann remembers Milton as a very fine man, and felt sure he must have been active in the community. His wife Amy was Jewish (she was a Leiser), but anti-Semitic, and had no Jewish friends at all. David married a non-Jew, and Milton objected to the marriage. Edith had a few Jewish friends, but knew the Wassermans and the Evans family; she was sent to Berkeley to meet Jewish people.

Ann tells of a collection of Oppenheimer memorabilia that Edith had and suggests that Cyril contact her about seeing the material and copying some of it.

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