Affichage de 122 résultats

Description archivistique
Edel, Robert
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122 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Jerry Adler and Ted Zacks
Jerry Adler and Ted Zacks
Hebrew University group
Hebrew University group
Bargain foods booth, Hadassah Bazaar
Bargain foods booth, Hadassah Bazaar
Speech by Rose-Marie Glassman and Morris Wosk
Speech by Rose-Marie Glassman and Morris Wosk
Ben Dayson reading to three children in Beth Tikvah Library
Ben Dayson reading to three children in Beth Tikvah Library
Gertie Zack working on a painting (#36)
Gertie Zack working on a painting (#36)
Portrait of Dennis Prager
Portrait of Dennis Prager
Daniel Pekarsky, President Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, speaking at podium
Daniel Pekarsky, President Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver, speaking at podium
Elie Wiesel speaking at microphone
Elie Wiesel speaking at microphone
Group, including Carol Oreck, speaking to each other at an event
Group, including Carol Oreck, speaking to each other at an event
Résultats 1 à 10 sur 122