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2 Descripción archivística resultados para Harbin

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Elaine Charkow

Oral History interview with Elaine Charkow. Elaine was born in Russia. Her family emigrated when she was 8. They first stopped in Winnipeg where her father worked in the grain business. They moved to Vancouver in 1926. During the 1930's Her mother took in 2 refugees from China. Her father was one of the founders of the Vancouver Free Loan Association. Elaine talks about the importance of the Jewish Community Center on 11th and Oak. Elaine instrumental in finding housing for Polish immigrants. She worked with B’nai B’rith Girls, United Jewish Appeal, and Hadassah.

David Kaplan and Bill Gruenthal

Interview with Bill Gruenthal and David Kaplan. Bill talks about his involvement with Temple Sholom, and his family's history. David comments as Bill speaks.

Note: Actual interview is approximately 15m30s long.